2018年1月16日 星期二

Easy EMG

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

User-friendly and well organized, Easy EMG is designed to help residents learn the fundamental principles of electrodiagnostic testing (including nerve conduction studies and needle EMG). This one-of-a-kind resource offers expert guidance on performing and interpreting EMGs, as well as how to test the most common conditions encountered in daily practice. At-a-glance tables combine with clear illustrations and a pocket-sized format to make Easy EMG ideal for on-the-go reference!
Customer Reviews from Amazon :

Very nice book for beginners of Electrodiagnostic Studies for the PM&R / Neurology resident physician. Needs more diagrams and some colored print would also be helpful in the next edition, but I really like the organization to this guide, as well as the links in the book to audio aid for interpreting EMG. It really is EASY EMG like it says.

A MUST HAVE! I found this book to be extremely helpful when I started out learning about EMGs. It is a short and concise way to quickly reference various topics prior to walking into an NCV/EMG. It is a great book to keep in the electrodiagnositc lab as a quick reference source. This edition improved on the first edition by incorporating more color in to the text and includes better images.

書名 Easy EMG : a guide to performing nerve conduction studies and electromyography
著者 Paula R. Howard
索書號 WB18.2/H848/2017
出版者 Elsevier
ISBN 9780323374781
出版年 2017
