2018年1月16日 星期二

Basic & applied concepts of blood banking and transfusion practices

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

Basic & Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices, 4th Edition combines logically organized and updated content in a highly readable way that makes difficult concepts easy to understand. This essential text enables you to develop a solid understanding of all areas of blood banking by utilizing common theory, clinical scenarios, case studies, and critical-thinking exercises. Additional content on HIV testing, ABID panels, immunology and serology, HLA, and global blood banking keeps this book current so you’re learning the skills necessary to work in the modern lab. Further your knowledge with the QR codes in the margins that link to new images and websites.

Customer Reviews from Amazon :

This book is amazing. It's easy to read and it goes straight to the point. In addition, I love how you can access colored pictures with your phone with he QR codes provided. Downside, it's not colored.

Well, this just made my job teaching Immunohematology a lot easier. I purchased it for my own benefit as an instructor and I am now recommending our program adopt the text for next classes. The text is written clearly so complex concepts can be understood. There are additional website materials such as laboratory procedures included that are very helpful. And very important, very few errors found thus far.

書名 Basic & applied concepts of blood banking and transfusion practices
著者 Paula R. Howard
索書號 WB18.2/H848/2017
出版者 Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780323374781
出版年 2017
