The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review, 2nd Edition continues to offer thorough preparation for board certification and recertification exams in cardiology. It is written by distinguished clinicians from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and based on the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's popular annual Intensive Review of Cardiology course.
The book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of every area of contemporary cardiovascular medicine. Emphasis is on board relevant clinical material and accurate real-world clinical decision making. More than 500 illustrations and numerous tables facilitate quick review. Board-format questions with answers and explanations appear at the end of each chapter. Plus, with this edition you have access to an online companion website with fully searchable text and a question bank for access to the content anytime, anywhere.
Customer Reviews from Amazon :
Excellent review book
I was looking for a book which I could use for my daily reading without getting lost in excessive detail. I think this book met my goals. As in any book, a few chapters are better than the others. Overall, the language is lucid, tables are very informative and questions are challenging.
Great review book for general cardiology, not particularly targeted for boards (i.e. not concise)
I bought this book as preparation for the general cardiology boards and found that it is one of the best resources overall. In particular, it offers lots of tables that summarize major pharmacologic and device trials and integrates the latest ACC/AHA guidelines. Overall, it is an amazing resource and well worth the money. For decision making, there are clearly delineated decision tree algorithms that are easy to follow. I recommend this for any cardiology fellow or junior faculty because it has rapidly accessible content that is clinically relevant.
Even though I bought this for board prep, I ended up not using it for the boards. The main reason is that even though the book is inclusive and theoretically can be used to study for boards, it may be a bit too expansive and would take too long. I think it would serve better as something utilized slowly through fellowship but is not crammable the way it is written. It is best served as an outstanding adjunct as a reference source.
書名 The Cleveland Clinic cardiology board review
著者 editors, Brian P. Griffin, Samir R. Kapadia, Curtis M. Rimmerman
索書號 WG18.2/C635/2013
出版者 Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 9781451105377 (hbk.)
出版年 2013