2013年2月18日 星期一

Schiff's diseases of the liver

簡介(Book Description from Barnes and Noble):
The name Schiff is synonymous with hepatology. Leon Schiff co-founded the AASLD in 1950 and was the main editor of this iconic book for the first 7 editions. Following Leon Schiff's death, his son Gene Schiff has taken on the lead editor role, and this 11th edition will be the 4th under his guidance. As a result, Schiff's Diseases of the Liver has been widely accepted as the number 1 clinical hepatology reference book for over 50 years.
With its strength being its strong clinical focus on hepatology, it covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and effects of liver disease on other organs, before moving on to sections that address specific diseases and clinical syndromes. Sections begin with a clear overview and chapters with a key concepts section that helps the reader quickly assimilate the most noteworthy information. Its enormous appeal has been due clarity of text, combined with a sheer thoroughness in its breadth of content. Key features include:

Customer Reviews from Amazon :

best hepatology book!
of course shciff`s book is the best that every hepatologist must have in the library, very recommendable. very nice quality of paper also, and very friendly to read

Gregg L. Friedman MD, Psychiatrist, Hallandale Beach, FL

I had the pleasure of studying under Dr Eugene Schiff at the University of Miami School of Medicine. Schiff's Diseases of the Liver is the definitive Hepatology textbook by which all other text are measured. Like Dr Schiff this textbook is very comprehensive and informative. It covers all aspects of liver disease in great detail. It is well worth the price to obtain this textbook. By Gregg L. Friedman MD, Psychiatrist, Hallandale Beach, FL

書名 Schiff's diseases of the liver
著者  edited by Eugene R. Schiff, Willis C. Maddrey, Michael F. Sorrell
索書號 WI700/S333/2012
出版者 John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 9780470654682 (hbk.)
出版年 2012
