簡介(Book Description from Google):
The American Joint Committee on Cancer's Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians throughout the world to diagnose cancer and determine the extent to which cancer has progressed. All of the TNM staging information included in thisnbsp;Seventh Edition is uniform between the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) and the UICC (International Union Against Cancer).In addition to the information found in the Handbook, the Manual provides standardized data forms for each anatomic site, which can be utilized as permanent patient records, enabling clinicians and cancer research scientists to maintain consistency in evaluating the efficacy of diagnosis and treatment. The CD-ROM packaged with each Manual contains printable copies of each of the bookāsnbsp;57 Staging Forms.
Customer Reviews from Amazon:
Indispensible reference for anyone who needs to accurately stage cancer patients. Two nice features are: 1) a box early in each chapter tells how this edition of staging differs from the prior, and 2) the included CD allows you to print the TNM staging for each disease site.
A must have
An indispensible book for pathologists, oncologists, cancer surgeons, tumor registries. Use of color blocks enhances readability.
AACR Cancer Staging Manual
The texts we received were in superb condition and were delivered in a timely manner. Very satisfied customer.
書名 AJCC cancer staging manual
著者 edited by Stephen B. Edge ... [et al.]
索書號 QZ241/A312/2010
出版者 Springer
ISBN 9780387884400 (pbk.)
出版年 2010
The American Joint Committee on Cancer's Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians throughout the world to diagnose cancer and determine the extent to which cancer has progressed. All of the TNM staging information included in thisnbsp;Seventh Edition is uniform between the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) and the UICC (International Union Against Cancer).In addition to the information found in the Handbook, the Manual provides standardized data forms for each anatomic site, which can be utilized as permanent patient records, enabling clinicians and cancer research scientists to maintain consistency in evaluating the efficacy of diagnosis and treatment. The CD-ROM packaged with each Manual contains printable copies of each of the bookāsnbsp;57 Staging Forms.
Customer Reviews from Amazon:
Indispensible reference for anyone who needs to accurately stage cancer patients. Two nice features are: 1) a box early in each chapter tells how this edition of staging differs from the prior, and 2) the included CD allows you to print the TNM staging for each disease site.
An indispensible book for pathologists, oncologists, cancer surgeons, tumor registries. Use of color blocks enhances readability.
The texts we received were in superb condition and were delivered in a timely manner. Very satisfied customer.
書名 AJCC cancer staging manual
著者 edited by Stephen B. Edge ... [et al.]
索書號 QZ241/A312/2010
出版者 Springer
ISBN 9780387884400 (pbk.)
出版年 2010