2012年9月13日 星期四


簡介(Book Description from Barnes and Noble):
Dermatology, edited by world authorities Jean L. Bolognia, MD, Joseph L. Jorizzo, MD, and Julie V. Schaffer, MD, is an all-encompassing medical reference book that puts the latest practices in dermatologic diagnosis and treatment at your fingertips. It delivers more comprehensive coverage of basic science, clinical practice, pediatric dermatology, and dermatologic surgery than you’ll find in any other source. Whether you’re a resident or an experienced practitioner, you’ll have the in-depth, expert, up-to-the-minute answers you need to overcome any challenge you face in practice.

Customer Reviews from Amazon :

very good

An enjoyable way to approach the dermatology.
The work is a masterpiece. It's not, probably, as deep as the Fitz, but if you need a tool wich bring you by your hand to understand all the practical aspects of the speciality..... this is your book. The flow charts are useful, clear and easy to read and overall very pragmatic.
A lot of chapters are very up to date.

書名 Dermatology
著者 edited by Jean L. Bolognia, Joseph L. Jorizzo, Julie V. Schaffer
索書號 WR140/D4352/2012
出版者 Elsevier Saunders
ISBN 9780723435716 (hbk.)
出版年 2012
