Yao and Artusio's Anesthesiology is one of the core texts for anesthesiology residents, and is frequently used as one of the primary study aids for the ABA oral boards. The book covers all areas of anesthesia. Each chapter is based on a case history and questions that address disease knowledge and differential diagnosis, progressing through preoperative evaluation, intraoperative management, and postoperative care. The discussion of each question is followed by a short list of the most important references on that topic. This edition's new full-color format significantly improves the readability of the book. Pediatric topics are grouped into a new section, rather than incorporated into the organ-based sections.
Customer Reviews from Amazon :Excellent learning option
From the moment I bought, became a partner in studies and professional enrichment activities. Excellent and fun option for knowledge recycling.
Best for Oral Board Review along with Ho books
With Michael Ho book are good Oral Board preparation tools. I won't say it is a good solo source, it is more of a reference.
書名 Yao & Artusio's anesthesiology : problem-oriented patient management
著者 editor-in-chief, Fun-Sun F. Yao
索書號 WO218/A5322/2012
出版者 Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 9781451102659 (hbk.)
出版年 2012