2008年11月28日 星期五

Fundamentals of human neuropsychology

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):
This book is a new edition of the classic scholarly guide to human neuropsychology, updated throughout, and with new 4-colour design for the most accurate rendering of key biological and anatomical art.It is a new edition of a classic scholarly guide. It features a new 4-colour design for the most accurate rendering of key biological and anatomical art. It provides updated coverage throughout by the respected original author team.It is a scholarly guide to human neuropsychology with a clinical focus throughout. Thorough coverage of brain evolution unites the study of its anatomy and physiology with an understanding of its cognitive, experimental and clinical psychological functions. The 6th edition is updated throughout and has a new 4-colour design.

Customer Reviews from Amazon:4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (12 customer reviews)

書名 Fundamentals of human neuropsychology
著者 Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw
索書號 WL103.5/K814f/2009
出版者 Worth Publishers
ISBN 9780716795865(hbk.)
出版年 2009
