2020年7月22日 星期三

Facial danger zones

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

The primary goal of Facial Danger Zones: Staying safe with surgery, fillers and non-invasive devices is to help surgeons achieve optimal results and maximize safe outcomes for a wide array of facial cosmetic procedures. Authored by internationally renowned plastic surgeon Rod Rohrich and distinguished co-authors James Stuzin, Erez Dayan, and E. Victor Ross, this user-friendly book provides multidisciplinary insights and expert knowledge on intricate facial anatomy, navigating safe and dangerous facial zones, and the use of minimally invasive technologies.
書名 Facial danger zones: staying safe with surgery, fillers, and non-invasive devices
著者 Rod J. Rohrich
索書號 WO600/R739/2020
出版者 CRC Press
ISBN 9781684200030
出版年 2020
