2018年11月16日 星期五

Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

Effectively perform and interpret musculoskeletal ultrasound with this concise, highly illustrated resource by Jon A. Jacobson, MD. Fully revised, this bestselling title covers all the essential details of musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, providing a solid understanding of the technique and how to make accurate diagnoses. It takes a concise, clear, and step-by-step approach to all of the most common musculoskeletal ultrasound applications, with specific details on anatomy, patient positioning, scanning techniques, normal and abnormal findings, tips, and pitfalls.
Customer Reviews from Amazon :

Excellent book. With a little ultrasound background this is the only book you need to start MSK ultrasound.
The premier book from which to learn musculoskeletal ultrasound
This book is fantastic! Takes you through each region with anatomy refresher and then imaging technique, pathology and crisp, descriptive ultrasound images labeled in detail!

書名 Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound
著者 Jon A. Jacobson.
索書號 WE141/J17f/2018
出版者 Elsevier
ISBN 9780323445252
出版年 2018
