2017年7月7日 星期五

The Washington manual of echocardiography

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual® of Echocardiography, Second Edition focuses on the essential information you need to know to successfully perform and read echocardiograms, as well as to identify valvular heart disease, cardiac myopathies, and congenital anomalies.  Supervised and edited by faculty from the Washington University School of Medicine, this highly regarded reference has been completely updated throughout, with a new, streamlined layout as well more echo clips, and an update on the current guidelines.  You’ll find expert guidance, practical tips, and up-to-date information on all aspects of echocardiography – all in one convenient and easily accessible source.

Customer Reviews from Amazon :

Excellent Overview of Echocardiography. Suitable for fellows or as part of a Board Review. Gives you the info you need to know without the fluff

Overall the most concise review book out there. Has new diastolic guidelines. ASE guidelines. Lots of pictures in the book along with videos on the electronic book version, which is accessible via code on 1st page. Must buy for cardiology fellow.

書名 The Washington manual of echocardiography 
著者 editor, Nishath Quader
索書號 WG39/W319/2017
出版者 Wolters Kluwer
ISBN 9781496321282
出版年 2017
