2015年10月27日 星期二

Felson's principles of chest roentgenology

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Radiology Category! Popular for its easy-to-use format, Felson’s Principles of Chest Roentgenology remains the must-have primer of chest radiology. With the inclusion of the latest imaging approaches and terminology, its unique programmed learning approach-presented in a highly interactive style-demystifies reading and interpreting radiologic images. High-quality images and diagrams are accompanied by multiple-choice review questions to reinforce key concepts. Additional online images plus self-assessment tests help you sharpen your skills and build confidence!

Customer Reviews from Amazon :

The online access is pretty nice and includes helpful adjunct information
I picked this up because I didn't have time in my 4th year schedule to pick up a radiology rotation. The book focuses on CXR interpretation and has some chest CT thrown in there as well. The online access is pretty nice and includes helpful adjunct information, including a glossary on thoracic imaging terms, a adjunct for interstitial lung disease (with helpful images and differentials), etc.
The text as you may have read is relatively interactive in a question-answer format and helps to reinforce key concepts. There are also quizzes at the end of each chapter and good "challenge" cases included with this book. Keep in mind the book is to learn the principles - as Dr. Felson says in the beginning of the book, "Principles are as important as facts. If you master the principles, you can make up the facts.". In other words, it will lay the groundwork for you to do more advanced learning on your own.
I would recommend the book if you can't make time in your schedule for a radiology rotation and you need something interactive (with quizzes) to take its place as a sort of interactive course. If not, there are good free sources online as well.

Highly recommend to anyone wanting to improve upon their CXR reading ...
Highly recommend to anyone wanting to improve upon their CXR reading skills, esp anyone going into pulm. Very easy to read.

書名 Felson's principles of chest roentgenology
著者 Lawrence R. Goodman
出版者 Elsevier, Saunders
ISBN 9781455774838
出版年 2015
