2015年6月9日 星期二

Sternberg's diagnostic surgical pathology

簡介(Book Description from Amazon):

Visually stunning and thoroughly up to date, the sixth edition of Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology continues to set the standard for differential diagnosis of the surgical specimen. Offering the latest information on all currently known diseases, this classic two-volume reference presents advanced diagnostic techniques from a virtual “who’s who” of experts in the field – pathologists who provide authoritative guidance on the diagnostic evaluation of every type of specimen from every anatomic site. No matter what your level of training or experience, keeping Sternberg’s near your microscope is the next best thing to a personal consultation with a trusted colleague.

Customer Reviews from Amazon :

Great General Surgical Pathology Text
Great source. Updated and convenient. Been waiting for new additions of 
surgical pathology text, and I am happy with this purchase.

Five Stars
eBook access is through Inkling! Something previous edition did not have.

One of the best books in Surgical Pathology
One of the best books in Surgical Pathology, to be used daily.
The web site is not that great, though.

書名 Sternberg's diagnostic surgical pathology
著者 editor, Stacey E. Mills
索書號 WO142/S839/2015
出版者 Wolters Kluwer
ISBN 9781451188752
出版年 2015
