2013年5月30日 星期四

Neuropsychological assessment

簡介(Book Description from Barnes and Noble):
Now in its Fifth Edition, Neuropsychological Assessment reviews the major neurobehavioral disorders associated with brain dysfunction and injury. This is the 35th anniversary of the landmark first edition. As with previous editions, this edition provides a comprehensive coverage of the field of adult clinical neuropsychology in a single source. By virtue of the authors' clinical and research specializations, this book provides a broad-based and in-depth coverage of current neuroscience research and clinical neuropsychology practice. While the new edition is updated to include new features and topics, it remains true to the highly-regarded previous editions. Methods for obtaining optimum data are given in the form of hypothesis-testing techniques, clinical tips, and clinical examples. In the seven years since the previous edition, many advancements have been made in techniques for examining brain function and in our knowledge about brain-behavior relationships. For example, a surge of functional imaging data has emerged and new structural imaging techniques have provided exquisite detail about brain structure. For the first time, this edition includes examples of these advancements, many in stunning color. This edition also includes new tools for clinicians such as a neuroimaging primer and a comparison table of the neuropsychological features of progressive dementias. The chapters on assessment procedures include discussion of issues related to test selection and reviews of recently published as well as older test batteries used in general neuropsychological assessment, plus newly developed batteries for specific issues.
"...the authoritative reference and practitioner's manual... this edition incorporates new research on brain-behavior relationships,neurological disorders,neurodiagnostic issues, assessment procedures, & newly developed neuropsych tests."
Customer Reviews from Amazon :

Comprehensive book
Another excellent update to this book. To be honest about any biases, Erin Bigler was my dissertation chair and mentor so i've been looking forward to this book for a while. The addition of imaging is wonderful, and there is a nice color section in the middle of the book.

PhD graduate student

I have Lezak's previous edition also. This updated edition is well worth the money. This is such an excellent resource!

Wonderful text

This text is the be-all end-all of neuropsychological assessment. There is nothing left out for students or those seeking to make this field their career choice. A great resource for those already in practice.

Absolutely the best and comprehensive book on NeuroPsychology

Excellent! One of the most useful reference books on the subject of neuropsychology. A must for every neuropsychologist. Excellent and recommended

書名 Neuropsychological assessment
著者 Muriel D. Lezak ... [et al.]
索書號 WM145/L686n/2012
出版者 Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780195395525 (hbk.)
出版年 2012
