簡介(Book Description from Amazon):
Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery third edition, encompasses a wide range of diverse topics making it a unique text amongst the medical and dental specialties. The purpose of this concise, easy-to-read two-volume text is to provide an authoritative and currently referenced survey of the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. It contains the necessary information for clinicians and is an ideal reference text for preparation for board certification in the specialty.
Customer Reviews from Amazon :
Excellent overview of OMFS
I purchased this book as soon as it was released and was very happy with the purchase. I used the 2nd edition of Peterson's almost daily during my residency and this edition is an improvement on an already excellent text. It is now full color and some of the chapters (TMJ) that I didnt like in the 2nd edition have been re-written by new authors. I would recommend this text for all residents, especially those early on in residency. Its a great text to read every night. I am no longer in residency but find this book to be useful whenever I have a clinical question I want to lookup and read more about. I also have some other texts, a single volume and a three volume series, and find this two volume series to be my go-to text.
Great book, with a bargain price
Fortunately, my sister helped me to successfully purchase this book with the lowest price a few days later. This book is really useful for me.
書名 Peterson's principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery
著者 editors, Michael Miloro ... [et al.]
索書號 WU600/P485/2012
出版者 People's Medical Pub. House-USA
ISBN 9781607951117 (set: hbk.)
出版年 2012
Customer Reviews from Amazon :
Excellent overview of OMFS
I purchased this book as soon as it was released and was very happy with the purchase. I used the 2nd edition of Peterson's almost daily during my residency and this edition is an improvement on an already excellent text. It is now full color and some of the chapters (TMJ) that I didnt like in the 2nd edition have been re-written by new authors. I would recommend this text for all residents, especially those early on in residency. Its a great text to read every night. I am no longer in residency but find this book to be useful whenever I have a clinical question I want to lookup and read more about. I also have some other texts, a single volume and a three volume series, and find this two volume series to be my go-to text.
Great book, with a bargain price
Fortunately, my sister helped me to successfully purchase this book with the lowest price a few days later. This book is really useful for me.
書名 Peterson's principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery
著者 editors, Michael Miloro ... [et al.]
索書號 WU600/P485/2012
出版者 People's Medical Pub. House-USA
ISBN 9781607951117 (set: hbk.)
出版年 2012