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簡介(Book Description from Google):
Written by a noted leader in electroneurodiagnostic technology, this book will be a standard text and reference for technologists, neurology residents, and clinical neurophysiology fellows. The first part covers the technical aspects of electroneurodiagnosis, including basic electronics and recording techniques; the second part covers the clinical applications and diagnostic utilities of electroneurodiagnosis for various central nervous system disorders. The text focuses on digital recording and includes analyses based on digital data. Emphasis is on pattern recognition, artifacts recognition, technical pitfalls, and the clinical correlates of electroencephalography. The book includes material to assist students in recognizing specific artifacts. Coverage includes principles of digital recording, electronics and electrical safety. This book will be a valuable aid in preparing for the ABRET (American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic and Evoked Potential Technologists) certification or the neurophysiology boards. A companion Website will include a question bank and a streaming video showing how to place electrodes.
Customer Reviews from Amazon:
Dr Yamada and Becky Meng have given the field of END a wonderful resource. We have been needing a great text like this for a long time. This will be a must have book for techs in school, preparing for board exams and just as a handy reference on the self in their lab. Thank you so much for this up to date and wonderful resource book and text. The whole field of neurodiagnostics applauds you. Maggie Marsh-Nation BSIT, R. EEG/EP T, CNIM
書名 Practical guide for clinical neurophysiologic testing : EEG
著者 Thoru Yamada, Elizabeth Meng
索書號 WL141/Y19p/2010
出版者 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 9780781778619(pbk.)
出版年 2010