簡介(Book Description from Google):
Its previous edition hailed as & ldquo;the best reference for the majority of practicing psychiatrists& rdquo; ( "Doody& rsquo;s Book Reviews") and a book that & ldquo;more than any other, provides an approach to how to think about psychiatry that integrates both the biological and psychological& rdquo; ( "JAMA"), "The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry" has been meticulously revised to maintain this preeminence as an accessible and authoritative educational reference and clinical compendium. It combines the strengths of its three editors& mdash;Robert Hales in clinical and community psychiatry, Stuart Yudofsky in neuropsychiatry, and new co-editor Glen Gabbard in psychotherapy& mdash;in recruiting outstanding authors to summarize the latest developments in psychiatry and features 101 contributors, 65 of whom are new to this edition. The book boasts a new interior design, with more figures and color throughout to aid comprehension. Each chapter ends with 5--10 key points, 5--10 recommended readings, and helpful Web sites not only for the clinician but also for patients and family members. The book also includes complimentary access to the full text online. Online benefits include powerful searching, electronic bookmarking, and access by username and password from wherever you have Web access& mdash;especially convenient for times when the print copy of your textbook is not where you are. The online version is accompanied by a downloadable PowerPoint presentation, which contains a wealth of material to enhance classroom presentation, study, and clinical use. Among the improvements to this edition& rsquo;s content: Of the text& rsquo;s 44 chapters, 23 eitherfeature new topics or have new authors, making this the most completely revised edition yet. New basic-science chapters on cellular and molecular biology of the neuron and on neuroanatomy for the psychiatrist conveniently distill essential information on the biological foundations of psychiatric disorders for clinicians. A new chapter on human sexuality and sexual dysfunctions, and another new chapter on treatment of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender patients, equips clinicians to address the entire spectrum of sexual issues and their attendant mental health concerns. New chapters on nonpharmacological somatic treatments, supportive psychotherapy, and combination psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy augment the section on psychiatric treatments. A new chapter on the assessment of dangerousness& mdash;an individual& rsquo;s propensity to commit violent acts& mdash;presents helpful guidelines for appropriately evaluating and minimizing the risk of violence in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Why "The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry" will be your first choice among comprehensive psychiatry textbooks: Complimentary Access to the Full Text Online& mdash;Online benefits include powerful searching, electronic bookmarking, and download to PDA. PowerPoint Presentation& mdash;Online version is accompanied by a downloadable PowerPoint presentation, which contains a wealth of material to help you enhance classroom presentation, study, and in clinical use. Self-Assessment& mdash;An interactive online Self-Assessment allows you to assess your knowledge of each chapter, with links back to the textbook when more study is needed. Summary Points& mdash;Each chapterends with 5--10 key points, 5--10 recommended readings, and helpful web sites not only for the clinician but also for referral to patients and family members. Co-Editor Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.& mdash;As the third Co-Editor, Dr. Gabbard adds depth and perspective to psychotherapeutic approaches. Chapter Authors& mdash;Partnership of senior and junior faculty brings fresh insights tempered by wisdom and experience. Peer-Reviewed& mdash;Rigorously peer reviewed and updated to reflect the rapidly changing profession. Disclosure of Interest Statements& mdash;Disclosure from each cha
Customer Reviews from Amazon:
Most people would compare this book with Kaplan's CTP. In general, quite similar in coverage. The tone of this book seems more scientifically oriented while Kaplan's often has more historical sentiment. This book has less illustrations but makes more sense when illustrating, while the Kaplan's sometimes gives unnecessary figures appeared just for the sake of decoration (ex. a photo from a drama movie showing POW tortured under Stalin's picture was used to illustrate the term brain wash). Nonetheless, both books are written by many hands therefore the representation of many experts in the field. I tend to like this one due to its right to the point style without lingering too much on the mumbling chatting side. I think this book is easier to read. The information is balanced and authoritative as one should expected. An alternative is the Oxford textbook. Given the volume to hold and its reference nature, digital or online version also makes a lot of sense.
書名 The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of psychiatry
著者 edited by Robert E. Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky, Glen O. Gabbard
索書號 WM140/A5126/2008
出版者 American Psychiatric Pub.
ISBN 9781585622573 (rel. : hbk.)
出版年 2008