In print for more than 50 years, KRAUSE'S FOOD & NUTRITION THERAPY has been recognized internationally as the most authoritative text on nutrition. This new edition continues its tradition of providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date content available today. New chapters on medical nutrition therapy for psychiatric disease and developmental disorders spotlight the advances made in these areas. Extensive appendices, tables, illustrations, figures, and clinical insight boxes give practical hands-on procedures and clinical tools with the most current information, including brand-new guidelines on food intake and physical activity, and highlight the inclusion of the new food guide pyramid, MyPyramid, to use in everyday practice.
Customer Reviews from Amazon:
Krause's Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy (eds; Mahan and Escott-Stump)10th ed is 1000% user friendly! Each chapter starts off with a glossary of terms in the ensuing pages which levels the learning field. Colorful charts on practical information are generously sprinkled in every chapter with clear illustrations on anatomy, energy reactions, and algorithms. You'll find lots of "ah ha" moments are you go through this book like I did. An example was the increased metabolic rate by adding spice to a meal! And the reference was also right there!
Each author's excitment and passion for the topic covered comes through the pages loud and clear. Cleverly colored boxes of strategically placed information capture your eye and your mind! Another example.. in Chapter 6 on Water and Electrolytes.. the percentage loss of body water and degree of disability associated with the same could not be made any more obvious.. and you just don't forget the message.
This resource covers everything from herbal therapies and rationale to heart transplant and all points in between. Over 1150 pages to get the new Millennium off to a smart start! I already know this book will be among the most used in my professional library. It is highly recommended.
- Miriam Erick, MSRD, CDE, ACOG educational affiliate author: No More Morning Sickness (New American Library/Plume), Boston, MA.Excellent!
Hi! I am nutritionist, I've worked in research, education and in projects of development in my country, this book has helped me and other colleagues, we called it "Our Bible".Good information for the Healthy & ILL
It is a book that will answer all your questions regarding Food, Diet and Nutrition exactly as its title suggests.My father is in a "Presistant Vegigative State" due to a massive hammerhadge, and thats what triggered me to look for a good book that will help me to deal with his special feeding requirment. Not only that I have found very valuable information concerning my fathers situation, but I also found excellent information for me and my wife so we followed a dietery program to loose some weight.Unfortunatly in 'Kuwait' where we live,we have very limited sources of information regarding Food and Nutrition so we needed a reference book that explains every term and has all information needed in details such as the tables and calculating formulas and soforth. In my opinion this is 'a most have book', and in the field of Nutrition it is 'Second-to-non'.
書名 Krause's food & nutrition therapy
索書號 WB400/K908/2008
出版者 Saunders/Elsevier
ISBN 9780808923787(International edition: hbk.)
出版年 2008