2009年6月26日 星期五

Mastery of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery


簡介(Book Description from Google):
This text/atlas is a comprehensive guide to minimally invasive procedures in general surgery. Chapters are authored by world-renowned experts in this technology, who share their firsthand operative experience, emphasizing decision-making, anatomy, and key steps in the operations. The Third Edition features expanded sections on the esophagus, gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, pancreas and spleen, and small and large bowel, new sections on state-of-the-art surgical tools and bariatric surgery, and new chapters on esophageal lengthening, duodenal switch, and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES).
Full-color photographs and drawings complement the text throughout. Each chapter concludes with comments from the editors.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank.

Customer Reviews from Amazon:
很好Excellent reference.
This is a comprehensive text covering all of the evergrowing list of procedures that can be done laparoscopically. The bibliography of contributing authors is filled with established experts and the editors are well recognized as pioneers in the field of minimally invasive surgery. Each chapter is filled with useful descriptions of the various procedures and is accompanied by accurate sketches. I think everyone is usually frustrated by the appearance of actual laparoscopic pictures due to their poor quality upon reproduction, but this book has seemingly found a way to circumvent that degradation because it is filled with actual laparascopic pictures that you can identify. Each chapter is followed by helpful suggestions and comments from the editors. As a second-year resident, I have found this book very helpful in outlining the advanced laparoscopic procedures prior to actually performing the procedure in the OR. It should prove useful to all surgical residents as well as practicing surgeons looking to increase their laparoscopic repertoire.

極好Following the Excellence of Nyhus' Mastery of Surgery
This is an excellent textbook of Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures, containing eight sections of great interest to all of us, surgeons practicing both endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery.Minimal access surgery has revolutionized and revitalized general surgery. The extent and range of minimal access surgery has been extended over the past 5 years, although a number of controversial areas remain. The reader of this outstanding textbook will learn various techniques in minimal access surgery, providing evidence of the importance of this new modality. Contemporary controversies, such as laparoendoscopic surgery for large and small bowel (including neoplastic disease), are discussed.I encourage all general surgeons to read this book and experience the future's surgery, today!

Mastery of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery
著者 edited by Nathaniel J. Soper, Lee L. Swanström, W. Stephen Eubanks
索書號 WO505/M423/2009
出版者 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 9780781771986(hbk.)
出版年 2009

Krause's food & nutrition therapy

簡介(Book Description from Google):
In print for more than 50 years, KRAUSE'S FOOD & NUTRITION THERAPY has been recognized internationally as the most authoritative text on nutrition. This new edition continues its tradition of providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date content available today. New chapters on medical nutrition therapy for psychiatric disease and developmental disorders spotlight the advances made in these areas. Extensive appendices, tables, illustrations, figures, and clinical insight boxes give practical hands-on procedures and clinical tools with the most current information, including brand-new guidelines on food intake and physical activity, and highlight the inclusion of the new food guide pyramid, MyPyramid, to use in everyday practice.

Customer Reviews from Amazon:

Krause's Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy (eds; Mahan and Escott-Stump)10th ed is 1000% user friendly! Each chapter starts off with a glossary of terms in the ensuing pages which levels the learning field. Colorful charts on practical information are generously sprinkled in every chapter with clear illustrations on anatomy, energy reactions, and algorithms. You'll find lots of "ah ha" moments are you go through this book like I did. An example was the increased metabolic rate by adding spice to a meal! And the reference was also right there!
Each author's excitment and passion for the topic covered comes through the pages loud and clear. Cleverly colored boxes of strategically placed information capture your eye and your mind! Another example.. in Chapter 6 on Water and Electrolytes.. the percentage loss of body water and degree of disability associated with the same could not be made any more obvious.. and you just don't forget the message.
This resource covers everything from herbal therapies and rationale to heart transplant and all points in between. Over 1150 pages to get the new Millennium off to a smart start! I already know this book will be among the most used in my professional library. It is highly recommended.
- Miriam Erick, MSRD, CDE, ACOG educational affiliate author: No More Morning Sickness (New American Library/Plume), Boston, MA.

Hi! I am nutritionist, I've worked in research, education and in projects of development in my country, this book has helped me and other colleagues, we called it "Our Bible".

極好Good information for the Healthy & ILL
It is a book that will answer all your questions regarding Food, Diet and Nutrition exactly as its title suggests.My father is in a "Presistant Vegigative State" due to a massive hammerhadge, and thats what triggered me to look for a good book that will help me to deal with his special feeding requirment. Not only that I have found very valuable information concerning my fathers situation, but I also found excellent information for me and my wife so we followed a dietery program to loose some weight.Unfortunatly in 'Kuwait' where we live,we have very limited sources of information regarding Food and Nutrition so we needed a reference book that explains every term and has all information needed in details such as the tables and calculating formulas and soforth. In my opinion this is 'a most have book', and in the field of Nutrition it is 'Second-to-non'.

Krause's food & nutrition therapy

著者 [edited by] L. Kathleen Mahan, Sylvia Escott-Stump
索書號 WB400/K908/2008
出版者 Saunders/Elsevier
ISBN 9780808923787(International edition: hbk.)
出版年 2008

2009年6月25日 星期四

Histology for pathologists

簡介(Book Description from Google):
Now completely revised and updated, this ground-breaking text focuses on the borderland between histology and pathology. The text describes human histology and its variations, with emphasis on avoiding overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of normal variants. Presented by leading international specialists in pathology, histopathology, anatomical pathology, surgical pathology, and neuropathology, the text is innovative, well organized and generously illustrated. Coverage includes the structure, composition, and function of tissues from a pathologic perspective; a systematic review of each major organ system, as well as structures of special significance; and histologic subtleties, such as unusual variations in staining reactions, little-known fixation artifacts, and frequently missed gross observations. This edition is reorganized to better reflect an organ-system approach to histology. Immunohistochemical findings in normal tissues have been added, based on the latest antibody panels. A bound-in CD-ROM image bank is included.

Customer Reviews from Amazon:

很好great resource for under 200$
You are looking for a histology resource, probably as a pathologist or pathology resident. With a little modification, the third and updated edition of histology for pathologists may be the thing for you (if you have some time to read and tweak). If you are looking for a "fast and furious" review, combine the histology sections of each chapter of Robbins and Rosai. However, if you really like histology - or feel that the knowledge of normal anatomy is the foundation to diagnose diseases, a more indepth review is required. But: does histology change? or will the second edition do it? The new version is really updated with many new color pictures and excellent makeover of the "not so colorfull" pictures in the older version. The main organ system structures stays the same and the apoptosis chapter from the 2nd edition is integrated in the different systems by site. All tables show a new, colored layout and even the myofibroblast chapter shines with multichannel immunohistochemistry. The big bonus is the included CD-Rom with almost all pictures from the book (including line-drawings). A nice option of the CD is to search by key-word (eg. endomterium pops up all figures with endometrium in the legend - a very nice feature) and all pictures can be downloaded for presentations. Two new figures about the sampling of the conduction system integrate gross sampling and histologic examination. Summary - it's worth 160. Now the tweaking. If you really want the ultimate resource you would have to go to the library, get the 2nd edition and copy/add the following pages/figures: Fig11.2, 86.2, 159.22, 259.23 293.7, 299.12, 306.19, 338.5, 340.6, 343, 345, 361, 362, 364, 435, 441, 533, 534, 664, 676, 684, 776, 800, 801, 802, 803, 827, 828, 1061 and 1134. Most of these are either classic figures not incorporated or modified in the new edition; some are simply better in black and white; and some are just old-school but still cool. As a result you have a very complete histology text/atlas with updated references and a personal touch.

極好Customer review
This book is actually (for those of you who haven't worked it out) the latest edition of that wonderful book first edited by Sternberg, entitled "Histology for Pathologists". It is an excellent reference book and I consider it to be essential reading for all trainee tissue pathologists. It is well set out and written in a fluid style. If you are thinking of buying it, just jump in and do it. You won't be sorry.

極好The best tool for Medicine Students and First year Pathology residents
Im very pleased with my purchase and with the service provided by amazon. I'm really amazed.

Histology for pathologists
著者 editor, Stacey E. Mills
索書號 QS504/H6765/2007
出版者 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 9780781762410 (hbk.)
出版年 2007
Table of contents

2009年6月10日 星期三

醫診情緣 第一季

書名 :醫診情緣 第一季
DVD 987.87/8453/2009


艾蒂森決定離開西雅圖這個傷心地到洛杉磯發展。所以就離開了恩典醫院,加入了一家私人診所的行列。這診所是艾蒂森的同學娜歐蜜所開設,臨近海邊的診所雖然規模小,但卻五臟俱全︰有心理科醫師﹑小兒婦科醫師﹑還有另類療法的醫師…這群年輕專業的醫師每天面對形形色色的病人,有丈夫因公殉職自己來診所生產的勇敢孕婦,也有跟女兒關係緊繃的母親來這裡尋求協助,而私底下的他們也衍生出微妙的情感糾葛…但全新的生活,真的可以讓艾蒂森重新面對自己的未來嗎? 劇中演員實力堅強,包括飾演艾蒂森的凱特華許﹑東尼獎得主奧德拉安麥唐娜、艾美獎提名提姆達利 等…現在您將藉著這些實力派演員在劇中展現的精湛演技,一起享受這診所內發生的一切!


書名 :愛你在心眼難開
DVD 987.83/8954/2003




書名 : 末代武士
DVD 987.83/8753/2003



BJ 單身日記:男人禍水

書名 : BJ 單身日記:男人禍水
DVD 987.83/8685/2004


布莉琪瓊斯(芮妮齊薇格飾)-這個三十好幾,老是自我懷疑、凸搥出糗、力求工作表現、積極減重的倫敦單身女子-終於能夠沉浸在愛情的喜悅中。她成為完美先生馬克達西(哥林弗斯飾)的女友之後,過了六個禮拜的幸/性福生活(他們一共炒了71次飯),她的人生不會再更美好了。或許…會嗎?儘管達西對她好到無以復加,布莉琪還是對人生、愛情以及如何收納內衣褲充滿疑問。她好不容易找到真命天子之後,卻必須面對如何維持這段美好關係的艱鉅挑戰。她忍不住要想:從此過著幸福快樂的生活之後,接下來到底該怎麼辦?   當她就快要找出答案的時候,情敵就出現了,那就是達西新來的女同事。她擁有超完美的火辣身材,且說起話來又甜美可愛。她頓時心中充滿怒火、妒意和誘惑,原來她又遇上她的前任上司花心大帥哥丹尼爾克利弗(休葛蘭飾),讓她這段人人稱羨的愛情陷入危機,而她為了抗拒美男的誘惑,挽回男友的心,再次大搞烏龍,糗態百出,鬧出一大堆笑話。

007首部曲 : 皇家夜總會

書名 : 007首部曲 : 皇家夜總會
DVD 987.83/8666/2008


故事敘述詹姆斯龐德成為英國特務之前的故事。雖然初出茅廬,但是龐德已具備高超的情報員能力,在連續完成兩項稱職的刺殺行動之後,他也晉升為 “00” 情報員的地位。 龐德成為第七號情報員的第一趟任務負責監視恐怖份子默拉卡的活動,循線追蹤到巴哈馬,並在那裡遇到迪米特歐斯和老婆索蘭奇。龐德發現迪米特歐斯與涉及世界恐怖組織的銀行家契夫軻有所牽連。而英國機密部門的情報顯示,契夫軻將參加在蒙特尼哥羅的皇家夜總會所舉行的高籌碼撲克大賽,因此007將赴此大賽…持續升高的賭注中暗藏邪惡的金錢遊戲,將本片帶入令人驚悚無比的高潮。


書名 : 結案高手

DVD 987.83/8663/2005 v.1-2

DVD 987.83/8663/2006 v.1-2

DVD 987.83/8663/2007 v.1-2





書名 : 囧男孩

DVD 987.83/8644*1/2008



慢一點,讓童年的勇氣追上你 一加一不等於二?負負不等於正? 長大不等於說再見? 慢一點,讓童年的勇氣追上你


書名 : 國家寶藏

國家寶藏 :DVD 987.83/8562/2004
國家寶藏 2 . 古籍秘辛:DVD 987.83/8554*1/2005 v.2

十字軍東征時期,一筆價值連城、由所羅門王聖殿發掘的巨額寶藏,輾轉來到美國,之後由於獨立戰爭爆發,華盛頓、富蘭克林為了阻止寶藏落入敵軍之手,便把它藏了起來。然而隨著時間的流逝,這份國家寶藏卻下落不明,唯一的線索就是一張由蓋茲家族保存的字條。 不顧父親的反對,從小就足智多謀的班傑明蓋茲(尼可拉斯凱吉 飾),經過多年的明查暗訪,終於發現最後的線索就藏在美國開國的「獨立宣言」的背面。可是,原先一起合作尋寶的伊恩卻突然反目成仇,想要搶走「獨立宣言」併吞所有的寶藏。為了保護千年寶藏,班傑明決定先下手為強、盜取「獨立宣言」,被黑白兩道圍剿追殺的他,該如何抽絲剝繭解開這項千古之謎,找到國家寶藏的藏身之處? 【國家寶藏】是動作天王尼可拉斯凱吉與億萬製片傑瑞布洛克海默繼【絕地任務】【空中監獄】後又一挑戰極限鉅獻。緊張懸疑的氣氛,緊湊萬分的劇情架構,精采可期,不容錯過!

寶藏獵人班傑明一生都試圖在歷史遺失的片段中尋找寶藏,但是這次他發現的秘密,卻可能令他的家族蒙羞。 為了要洗刷恥辱,班傑明必須要解開林肯總統刺殺懸案背後的重重疑雲!而解開疑雲的唯一線索,就藏在紀錄了美國歷代總統與政府的最高機密的”總統機密文件”,而這文件只有總統才能持有! 機智過人的班傑明為了證明一切的指控是子虛烏有,他竟計畫綁架美國總統!


書名 : 納尼亞傳奇

獅子.女巫.魔衣櫥 :DVD 987.83/8554*1/2005 v.1
賈思潘王子: DVD 987.83/8554*1/2005 v.2
黎明者行號: DVD 987.83/8554*1/2005 v.3
銀椅 : DVD 987.83/8554*1/2005 v.4
特別收錄: DVD 987.83/8554*1/2005 v.5


本片改編自c.s. 路易斯(C.S. Lewis)全球暢銷的系列小說,由迪士尼影業與華爾媒體投資重金拍攝,將書中神秘魔幻的納尼亞王國栩栩如生的呈現在觀眾眼前。 第二次世界大戰期間,彼得、蘇珊、愛德蒙和露西四兄妹被送到英國鄉間躲避戰火。某天在玩捉迷藏時,露西意外發現古宅裡的神秘衣櫥竟是通往納尼亞王國的入口!這王國裡住著會說話的人羊和許多神話動物,但因受到邪惡白女巫的詛咒,王國終年都被冰雪覆蓋。在納尼亞之王-亞斯藍的幫助下,四個小孩決定與納尼亞子民們團結一心,以愛與勇氣和白女巫展開一場波瀾壯闊的正邪大戰,他們能否破除冰封魔咒,成功解救納尼亞王國?

浩劫降臨 光榮之役 磅礡開戰 當初的四個小孩他們都長大成了國王、皇后與王子、公主。某天,他們在月台上等電車,一陣天搖地動,他們又回到了納尼亞!四人這一離開相隔就是1300年,他們很快就發現一切都已人事全非,納尼亞王國又面臨了重大危機,籠罩在新勢力-米拉茲國王的陰暗勢力陰影下,被兇殘暴戾的台爾瑪人所征服之下的納尼亞,納尼亞人幾乎滅絕…原來納尼亞己被坦摩人掌控,現任國王米拉茲殺害了自己的哥哥,即賈思潘王子的父親…究竟孩子們與賈思潘王子能否喚醒亞斯蘭,團結合作打敗坦摩人?被困在正義與自己族人間的賈思潘王子,要如何才能重新登基並完成這個神聖任務?

本片改編自C. S. 路易斯(《魔戒》作者扥爾金之好友)轟動全球的奇幻小說,利用真人演出、動畫和特效,創造出最震撼的冒險之旅,為「獅子‧女巫‧魔衣櫃」的精采續集。 愛德蒙和露西與他們驕生慣養的表弟尤斯特斯回到納尼亞王國,此時的賈思潘國王需要他們的協助,因此他們乘著黎明行者號,乘風破浪地航向東方世界的邊緣。在遭遇到兇猛的海蛇、龍和隱形敵人之後,他們矢志要在這航程結束時,破除邪惡的魔法。

本片改編自C. S. 路易斯(《魔戒》作者扥爾金之好友)轟動全球的奇幻小說,利用真人演出、動畫和特效,創造出最震撼的冒險之旅,為BBC納尼亞傳奇系列影片的最後一部曲。 尤斯特斯和同校飽受欺負的同學吉兒波爾,發現自己踏上了危險的旅程,墜落到不見天日的地底世界,在爬蟲類新同伴帕德葛南的協助下,要去尋找失蹤的雷里安王子。他們的旅程將遇到哈芬巨人和地底人,同時得面對地底王國可怕的女王,想辦法克服她的魔法,破解銀椅的魔咒。


書名 : 現在只想愛你

DVD 987.83/8544/2006



書名 : 黑道家族

DVD 987.83/8466*1/1999 v.1-4

DVD 987.83/8466*1-1/2000 v.1-4

DVD 987.83/8466*1-2/2002 v.1-4

DVD 987.83/8466*1-3/2002 v.1-4

DVD 987.83/8466*1-4/2004 v.1-4

DVD 987.83/8466*1-5/2006 v.1-2

DVD 987.83/8466*1-5/2007 v.1-2




DVD 987.83/8455-2/2008

神鬼傳奇終極冒險三部曲 準備體驗這絕無冷場、令人血脈噴張的冒險場面! 布蘭登費雪飾演的勇敢冒險家-瑞克歐康納,克服超自然力量,拼命與傳說中的不死木乃伊戰鬥,一路從埃及的炙熱沙漠,到冰天雪地的喜馬拉雅山,甚至到中國的長城! 看完整神鬼傳奇三部曲呈現給您像是龍皇帝(李連杰飾演)這樣的致命敵人、可怕的怪獸、以及壯觀的雪怪冒險經歷! 看神鬼傳奇三部曲完整呈現,讓你感受像是龍皇帝(李連杰飾演)這樣的致命敵人、可怕的怪獸、以及駭人雪怪的冒險經歷!


書名 : 跳越時空的情書
DVD 987.83/8454/2006


流氓醫生 第一 季

書名 : 流氓醫生 第一 季DVD 987.83/8444/2005 v.1-3



書名 : 桃色名單
DVD 987.83/8376/2007


會計師強納森(伊旺麥奎格 飾)原本過著一成不變的無聊日子,他與客戶公司的職員懷特(休傑克曼 飾)結為好友。偶然間他拾獲懷特的手機,發現懷特私下從事免費的性服務,在他手機的名單中有各種不同類型的女人客戶,強納森大膽的踏入這個圈子,從此夜生活開始改觀;不過,當強納森逐漸沉醉於這個糜爛的新世界時,卻發現自己無端地變成謀殺案的嫌疑犯,懷特的真實身份成謎並且脅迫強納森盜取鉅款,他該如何突破這重重疑團,而更刺激緊張的危險還在後頭…!!


書名 : 尋骨線索
DVD 987.83/8359/2005 v.1-3

DVD 987.83/8359-1/2005 v.1-3

DVD 987.83/8359-1/2005 v.1-3


根據美國著名女法醫兼暢銷作家凱絲萊克斯真實故事改編 大膽重組人骨拼圖,真實還原犯罪真相!! 貝倫博士(艾蜜莉黛絲彩能 飾)是一名年輕的刑事人類學家兼小說家,她擁有不同於凡人的特殊才能,就是能根據受害者的屍骨,分析尋獲常人難以發現的線索,因此,FBI聯邦調查局特別借重她的專長,協助警方偵破一些因屍體嚴重腐爛、燒毀或被破壞而使得普通的屍檢方法無能為力的兇殺案件。各種罕見怪異且內幕重重的刑案,等待貝倫博士抽絲剝繭,還原真相!


書名 : 實習醫生第四季
DVD 419.47/8244-3/2009 v.1-3


身為外科醫生最艱苦的一課就是到醫院實習,這裡,就是他們最殘酷的訓練場所。但是,既然選擇當一名外科醫師,就等於踏上了一條不歸路。如果他們能挺過西雅圖恩典醫院的7年煉獄般的考驗,她們就能成為合格的外科醫生。然而擺在這些菜鳥面前的,不單是艱苦的實習訓練,她們還要面臨愛情、謊言、與其他複雜的家庭關係。面對重重難關,她們只能互相依靠… 故事延續第三季的劇情。大家在這季都升格為住院醫生並且各自帶領新的一批實習醫生過著拯救生命的忙碌生活,惟獨喬治因為考試不及格必須繼續一年的實習生活。梅莉迪絲與德瑞克之間的感情因為梅莉迪絲妹妹的突然出現會有任何改變嗎? 實習醫生第四季,讓你完全擁有不一樣的劇情內容!精采的特別收錄更讓您了解自己喜愛的醫師不為人知的一面!