2008年5月27日 星期二

Vascular medicine and endovascular interventions


簡介(Book Description from Google):
Vascular Medicine is an exploding field, with rapidly escalating interest and technological sophistication Endorsed by the Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology and edited by principle opinion leaders This is the core text for the American Board of Vascular Medicine Examinations for Certification in Vascular Medicine and Endovascular Medicine Stand-alone educational reference for those working in this hot area that do not attend the course Chapters cover the full spectrum of vascular topics and include multiple-choice questions

Customer Reviews from Amazon:4.0 out of 5 stars 1 customer review (1 customer review)

Vascular medicine and endovascular interventions
著者 edited by Thom W. Rooke
索書號 WG18.2/V3305/2007
出版者 Mosby/Elsevier
ISBN 9781405158275(hbk.)
出版年 2007
Table of Contents
