The first book of its kind, Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics is your source for the latest information on minimally invasive, cost-effective, and esthetically pleasing temporary anchorage devices. This essential reference offers quick access to everything you need to know to begin offering these popular treatment options to your patients, including diagnosis and treatment planning, biomechanical considerations, clinical applications of anchorage device systems, and skeletal anchorage. Full-color illustrations and detailed case reports guide you through the entire treatment process, helping you achieve superior patient outcomes.
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書名 Temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics
著者 Ravindra Nanda, Flavio Andres Uribe
索書號 WU400/N176t/2009
出版者 Mosby/Elsevier
ISBN 9780323048071 (hbk.)
出版年 2009